Mountain Lodge Weather Has Moved!

Thank you for visiting my weather website for North San Antonio - specifically the community of Mountain Lodge.  I've maintained this site using Ambient Weather's online weather station for nearly 15 years. However this system has long been out of support by Ambient Weather and I've struggled to keep the online service working. Therefore I've moved everything to a new location using a dedicated transmitter. The information is the same and my weather instruments are unchanged, but the service should now be more reliable and allow you to connect an irragation controller such as a Rachio. I want to thank you very much for visiting and your support over the years. I hope you like the new site(s) and that they are useful for you.

CLICK HERE for my WeatherUnderground Site

Citizen Weather Observer Program - Detailed Data

Are you a weather nerd and you liked the detailed data provided by the old weather station? Then you'll like everything at the following link where my station's data is uploaded to CWOP.  CWOP partners with the NOAA and the National Weather Service to provide local weather data from stations across the USA.